
Windows but for mac
Windows but for mac

  1. #Windows but for mac upgrade
  2. #Windows but for mac windows 10
  3. #Windows but for mac pro
  4. #Windows but for mac software
  5. #Windows but for mac Pc

If you're more happy with how your favorite apps work on the Mac, get a Mac.ĭon't think of it as Mac vs PC. If you want to do a lot of gaming, or the stuff you want to run is just as good on Windows, get a PC. What you have to look at is how well the stuff you want to run works on Windows vs. There's a rule of thumb that people don't buy computers to run operating systems they buy them to run applications. With a lot of stuff the upcoming Windows 11 is a lot more locked down than Windows 10, and in some ways more locked down than MacOS.) For what I want, the Mac is more customizable than Windows. (Customizability is.well, it depends on what you're doing. (On Windows there's Word and LibreOffice and a handful of others, some of which haven't been updated since the last millennium and the rest just look it.) The closest Windows equivalents of Mac utilities like NVAlt and Keyboard Maestro are crude and cumbersome at best. Small, lightweight word processors are almost non-existent on Windows, but there are several of high quality to choose from on the Mac. Even Microsoft's remote desktop utility, which I use a ton, is miles and miles better on the Mac. I'm a Windows sysadmin and writer, and most of the utilities and applications I use are just better on the Mac, and it usually isn't even close.

windows but for mac

The big factor for me, which has tipped me towards getting another Mac (besides the looming presence of Windows 11) is the application selection. (Windows 11 is a significant downgrade in UI, though.) Overall, I like MacOS better, but could live with Windows 10. Not quite as good as MacOS, but MacOS isn't quite as good for me as it used to be.

#Windows but for mac windows 10

My feeling is that Windows 10 is.adequate. Get another Mac or build a Windows PC? I also have a Windows desktop (also 2012 vintage) so I can try out both sides. I'm running a couple of older Macs myself (2011 MB Air and 2012 Mac Mini) and have been looking at this exact situation.

#Windows but for mac Pc

When I start looking at PC customization, I can’t even decide which processor I want for example.

windows but for mac

#Windows but for mac software

I consider iMac because that’s what I’ve been using and is pretty good, it also just looks really nice to me and is simple along with it already being compatible with other Apple products I have except it lacks games, lacks USB plugs, and lacks the compatibility to non-native software (in comparison to a pc).

#Windows but for mac pro

Windows I can get to do what I need to do and doubles as a great PC for gaming, along with it having high customizability but also pains me as the main con along with pro for me that it is too customizable for me. My scale is tipping closer to the Windows PC side but the longer I sit, the more I just want a newer mac so I can get this over with. I’ve had this computer for a while now, struggling to do a lot of things and just now starting to understand RAM and upgrading that last week from 4GB to 16GB while I was trying to run visual studio code, photoshop, google chrome, and other stuff that would just completely freeze my computer so I just need something newer and faster. Along with the fact that my mac isn’t exactly the newest model or the most up-to-date OS, a newer computer would be great sooner than later because I can neither access newer or up-to-date apple software nor Windows software. I get what you mean but the longer I try to wait it out or the deeper I try to research, the more indecisive I become. In the end this is a question of Windows Vs. I also don't know or understand if the newer M1 chip Mac's can run bootcamp and also when considering building a PC, I have no idea where to start on that end either, as I really suck at making decisions although it would need a pretty decent storage and lots of RAM to support my creative hobbies (gaming, photo editing, 3d rendering, programming, etc.). I realize I could buy a PC and keep my older mac but the mac would still be outdated and not fully capable, and I also realize I could buy a slightly newer mac and try to dual boot Windows but idk if its worth it to buy a new Mac mainly for the Windows side but It would mean I could run both. I love the simplicity of the mac, but it seems like windows may have more customization and theres a lot more apps to use, along with a lot of video games which i definitely lack in my life.

windows but for mac

I'm an artsy~ person and it seems mac has some nice apps but theres only so many I can use being that I have an older mac along with an apple OS in comparison to the Windows Intel Based PC's.

#Windows but for mac upgrade

Hey, I know help may be biased for this question as I'm asking on the mac subreddit, but I'm currently running a mid 2011 imac stuck in high sierra, I'm looking to upgrade but I have no idea where to start.

Windows but for mac